By Shaun Baird

Nowadays you can choose from thousands of professionally designed free mobile wallpapers and ringtones and set them on to your phone in a matter of minutes, giving instant credibility.

There is a whole world of incredible mobile phone wallpapers and ringtones which you can add to your phone in minutes, don't be satisfied with what the phone comes with as standard.

Remember there is no cost involved at all - many people daily are now discovering how incredibly easy it is to customize the lok and feel of their mobile phone.

This ranges from downloading free mobile wallpapers or ringtones from a website or internet service and then simply applying that wallpaper as the background image on your phone. It might sound complicated but there are dozens of services who go out of their way to help, and often there are dedicated forums for almost every type of phone out there so help is never far away if you get lost.

Now there really isn't any need for the stock boring phone designs included. Time to move those average items to historym, and make way for some flashy new designs and sounds.

In this modern world it helps if you stay right up to date. Move into the 21st century and pimp your phone with advice and professional designs from all areas of the world. There really isn't anything holding you back!

The good thing about taking just 10 minutes to do this is that you often get a lot more attention from your friends and co-workers - all they need to hear is your latest ringtone and then they start asking the questions. You then flash them your wallpaper and smile!

These days you can customize your phone pretty much exclusively. If you want a flashy sports cara, movie star, celebrity or anything else then you can have these added with complete ease. Most folks nowadays actually have a lot of content on their phone which suits them if they feel like a change.

So, what do you want to do to your phone? Bin it, or pimp it? It's way easier than you imagine and only takes a few minutes to transform it from a dull second grader to a top of the class gadget to be seen with!

For less than 30 minutes of your time you can customize the look, feel and experience you get with your phone. Once you've done it once you will wonder what all the fuss was ever about.

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